Nova Europa Strategiekonzept Für Das Überleben Der Europäer In Einer Dunkler Werdenden Welt

Artuhr Kemp. Laut aktuellen demografischen Trends werden die Europäer innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahrzehnte in ihren eigenen Ländern zu einer Minderheit werden, die sich dann im weiteren Verlauf immer weiter reduziert, um bald danach unter einer Flut andauernder Zuwanderung und Rassenmischung vollständig ausgelöscht zu werden.

Da es mit „traditionellen“ politischen Mitteln bisher nicht gelungen ist, diese Entwicklung aufzuhalten, ist nun die Zeit reif für eine alternative Strategie zum Schutz der Europäer in einer postwestlichen Welt. Dieses Buch beschreibt eine praktische Lösung: die Gründung eines Ethnostaates, losgelöst von jeglichem Anspruch weißer Überlegenheit.

Anhand geschichtlicher Entwicklungen und zweier praktischer Beispiele (der Afrikaaner-Stadt Orania und des zionistischen Staates Israel) entwickelt der Autor ein schlüssiges Konzept, von der Bildung örtlicher europäischer Gemeinschaften bis hin zur Gründung des aus dem Chaos einer drittweltisierten Welt hervorgehenden Ethnostaates. Er schildert ausführlich, welche Schritte zu ergreifen sind, und erwägt geeignete Gebiete.

Das Konzept gibt eine positive, praktische Antwort auf die Krise, und seine Verwirklichung bietet den Europäern wohl ihre einzige Überlebenschance.

Warum sind es jedoch ausschließlich die Europäer, die sich einer solchen Bedrohung ausgesetzt sehen? Was unterscheidet sie von anderen Völkern auf der Welt, die nicht auf diese Weise von Auslöschung bedroht sind?

Die Antwort ist ganz einfach: Alle anderen Menschen auf der Welt haben ein Heimat- oder Kernland, in dem sie ihre rassische Integrität und Identität wahren können, unabhängig davon, was im Rest der Welt geschieht. Ganz egal, welche Entwicklung die Rassenmischung auch anderswo nimmt, China bleibt immer chinesisch. Japan bleibt immer japanisch. Afrika bleibt immer afrikanisch. Warum also gibt es kein europäisches Kernland, in dem Europäer eine Mehrheit bilden und das unveräußerliche Recht auf den Erhalt ihrer rassischen Identität und Integrität haben? Die Europäer brauchen ein Kernland, ein Heimatland, wie alle anderen Menschen auf der Welt auch.

105 Seiten. Tassenbuch.

Nova Europa: Estrategia de Supervivencia Europea en un Mundo que Oscurece

Arthur Kemp. Dadas las tendencias demográficas actuales, el pueblo europeo será, en primer lugar, una absoluta minoría dentro de sus propias tierras en los próximos treinta años. Seguidamente, se convertirá en una minoría diminuta y poco después de eso desaparecerá completamente bajo una marea de más inmigración y mestizaje.

La actividad política “tradicional” ha fracasado en poner freno a la marea y ya ha llegado la hora de plantearse una estrategia alternativa que proteja a los europeos en la edad post-occidental. Este libro describe los pasos que hacen falta para conseguir una solución práctica, a saber, un etnoestado europeo, divorciado del “supremacismo blanco” especialmente.

Basándonos en la Historia y en dos ejemplos prácticos (la ciudad africana de Orania y el estado sionista de Israel), el autor construye un argumento coherente para la creación de comunidades locales europeas en primer lugar y, a la larga, para la creación de un etnoestado europeo que surja del caos de un planeta “tercer mundializado”.

Se trata de una respuesta positiva y práctica a la crisis a la que se enfrenta el hombre europeo y que, si se realiza, podría ofrecerle su única salvación.

¿Por qué únicamente el pueblo europeo se halla bajo esta amenaza? ¿Cuál es la diferencia respecto a los otros pueblos de la tierra que no se encuentran bajo esta amenaza de extinción?

La respuesta es sencilla y obvia: todos los demás pueblos de la tierra tienen núcleos u hogares patrios donde pueden mantener su integridad racial e identidad, sin que importe lo que pueda suceder en el resto del mundo ni hasta qué punto continúa el proceso de mestizaje en otras partes, China siempre será china. Japón siempre será japonés. África siempre será africana. ¿Por qué entonces, no hay una patria europea en la que el pueblo europeo sea mayoría, y en el que tenga el derecho inalienable a mantener su identidad racial e integridad? El pueblo europeo necesita un suelo, un hogar patrio, exactamente igual que cualquier otro pueblo de la tierra.

100 páginas.

Nova Europa: Europese overlevingsstrategie in een verduisterende wereld

Arthur Kemp. Volgens de huidige demografische ontwikkelingen zullen de Europeanen de komende drie decennia een minderheid in hun eigen land worden, die in de loop van de tijd zal blijven krimpen, maar kort daarna volledig zal worden weggevaagd door een stortvloed van voortdurende immigratie en raciale vermenging.

Aangezien de “traditionele” politieke middelen er nog niet in geslaagd zijn deze ontwikkeling een halt toe te roepen, is de tijd rijp voor een alternatieve strategie ter bescherming van de Europeanen in een postwesterse wereld. Dit boek beschrijft een praktische oplossing: de oprichting van een etno-staat, los van elke aanspraak op blanke superioriteit.

Aan de hand van historische ontwikkelingen en twee praktische voorbeelden (de Afrikaanse stad Oranje en de zionistische staat Israël) ontwikkelt de auteur een samenhangend concept, van de vorming van lokale Europese gemeenschappen tot de oprichting van de etno-staat die uit de chaos van een derde wereld komt. Het beschrijft in detail de te nemen stappen en overweegt passende gebieden.

Het concept biedt een positief, praktisch antwoord op de crisis en de verwezenlijking ervan kan de Europeanen hun enige overlevingskans bieden.

Maar waarom zijn het alleen de Europeanen die met een dergelijke dreiging worden geconfronteerd? Wat onderscheidt hen van andere volkeren in de wereld die niet op deze manier met uitsterven worden bedreigd?

Het antwoord is eenvoudig: alle andere mensen in de wereld hebben een thuis of hartgebied waar ze hun raciale integriteit en identiteit kunnen behouden, ongeacht wat er in de rest van de wereld gebeurt.

Ongeacht de ontwikkeling die de raciale mix elders doormaakt, blijft China altijd Chinees. Japan blijft altijd Japans. Afrika blijft altijd Afrikaans. Waarom is er dan geen Europees hartgebied waar Europeanen een meerderheid vormen en het onvervreemdbare recht hebben om hun raciale identiteit en integriteit te behouden? De Europeanen hebben behoefte aan een hartgebied, een vaderland, net als alle andere mensen in de wereld.

100 pagina’s. Sagteband.

Popolo e Nazione – spiegazione dell’Etnonazionalismo e Nova Europa Strategia di Sopravvivenza Europea in un Mondo Oscurante. Edizione combinata

Arthur Kemp. Edizione combinata: 2015. Traduzione a cura di Alessandro Rossolini.

Popolo e Nazione – spiegazione dell’Etnonazionalismo

L’idea di etnonazionalismo si pone in diretto contrasto con i progetti di“mondo unito” delle élite internazionali del giorno d’oggi. Come tale,rappresenta un’idea davvero rivoluzionaria – e dal punto di vistainternazionalista, pericolosa. Se tutti i vari popoli del mondo, Europei, Asiatici,Africani e Amerindi, decidono che preservare le loro identità individuali è piùimportante del “melting pot globale”, una nuova alba sarà sorta.

Contrariamente a quanto viene propagandato dagli Internazionalisti, l’ideologia dell’etnonazionalismo è la vera vincitrice della diversità. Perché cos’èla diversità, se non il riconoscimento e la promozione delle identità individuali?

Gli internazionalisti, che tentano di distruggere le identità nazionali, chetentano di sommergere e forzare tutti in una massa uniforme e identica, sonoin effetti i veri nemici della diversità. Poiché, lasciato alla sua corsa,l’internazionalismo alla fine condurrà alla distruzione delle identità individuali,delle razze, delle culture e spazzerà infine la meravigliosa diversità umana concui Madre Natura benedì questa terra.

L’etnonazionalismo – o la richiesta che popoli etnicamente distinti siautogovernino nelle proprie aree geografiche – fornisce l’unica vera rispostaall’incubo Internazionalista.

Nova Europa Strategia di Sopravvivenza Europea in un Mondo Oscurante

Date le attuali tendenze demografiche, gli Europei diventeranno inizialmente una minoranza assoluta nelle loro proprie terre entro i prossimi trent’anni. In seguito, essi diventeranno una piccola minoranza, e poco dopo, scompariranno completamente sotto un flusso di ulteriore immigrazione e incrocio razziale.

La “tradizionale” attività politica ha fallito nel contrastare questa tendenza, ed è tempo di considerare una strategia alternativa che preserverà gli Europei nell’età post-Occidentale.

Questo libro descrive i passi necessari per conseguire una soluzione pratica, vale a dire un etnostato Europeo, estraneo alla “supremazia bianca” sugli altri.

Attingendo alla storia e a due esempi pratici (la città Afrikaner di Orania e lo stato Sionista di Israele), l’autore presenta un argomento coerente per la creazione, innanzitutto, di comunità locali Europee, e poi infine, la creazione di un etnostato Europeo derivante dal caos di un globo Terzo Mondizzato. Include passi dettagliati e proposte territoriali.

E’ una risposta positiva e pratica alla crisi che si affaccia sull’uomo Europeo e che, se attuata, potrebbe fornire la sua unica salvezza.

96 pagine.

Nova Europa: European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World

 By Arthur Kemp. Given current demographic trends, European people will first become an outright minority in their own lands within the next thirty years. Thereafter, they will become a tiny minority, and shortly after that, will vanish completely under a flood of further immigration and miscegenation.

“Traditional” political activity has failed to stem the tide, and the time has come to consider an alternative strategy which will preserve Europeans in the post-Western age. This book describes the steps required to attain a practical solution, namely a European ethnostate, divorced from “white supremacy” over others.

Drawing upon history and two practical examples (the Afrikaner town of Orania and the Zionist state of Israel), the author forms an coherent argument for the creation of, at first, local European communities, and then eventually, the creation of a European ethnostate arising from the chaos of a Third Worldized globe. It includes detailed steps and territorial proposals.

It is a positive, practical, answer to the crisis facing European man and which, if implemented, might provide his only salvation.

Why is it that only the European people are under threat in this way?

What is different about the other peoples of the earth, that they are not under threat of extinction in this manner?

The answer is simple, and obvious: it is because all the other people of the earth have homelands, or heartlands, where they can maintain their racial integrity and identity, no matter what else happens elsewhere in the world.

No matter how much the miscegenation process continues elsewhere, China will always be Chinese.

Japan will always be Japanese.

Africa will always be African.

Why therefore, is there no European heartland, in which European people are a majority, and in which they have the inalienable right to maintain their racial identity and integrity?

European people need a heartland, a homeland, just like any other people on earth.


Chapter One: The Premise

Race Is Reality—The Myth of “European Colonial Debt”—The Legal Right to Self Determination—The Moral Right to Self-Determination—Self Determination for Europeans Is the Opposite of White Supremacism—Case Study: Indian Self-Determination and That Nation’s Racially-Based Immigration Laws—Ethnostates are a Universal Right—The Continued Existence of a Culture Is Dependent upon the Continued Existence of Its Founding People—Case Study: The Racial Demographic Displacement of the American Indians

Chapter Two: The Historical Background and the Current Reality

Non-Europeans the First Colonizers of Europe—Renaissance Sparks Age of Exploration—Decolonization and Recolonization of Europe—Third World Immigration—Facts and Figures—Russia’s Demographics in 2010—Eastern European Demographics—Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldavia

Chapter 3: Can Europeans Survive?

The Democratic Participation Route—Can Democratic Participation succeed?—Demographic Displacement in European Heartlands—Strict Control of the U.S. Democratic Process by Powerful Lobbies and Interest Groups—Is it Worthwhile Pursuing Democratic Participation? Yes!—Need to Consider all Options—The Three Alternatives which Must be Considered—Realism and Presumptions—Sixty Years of Failure—Whites Have Lost Political Power in the U.S.—Not All Whites Can, Or Should Be, Saved—The Psychological Rubicon Which Must be Crossed

Chapter Four: Moral, Legal, and Historical Justification for a European Homeland

The Right of All Racial Groups to a Homeland—The Tibetan Peoples’ Right to a Racial Homeland—The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)—UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—World Bank Definition of Indigenous Peoples—The Definition of an Indigenous People—A European Homeland Is Morally, Legally, and Historically Justified—The Historical Process is No Justification for Present Day Dispossession—Is Western Europe not already a European homeland?

Chapter 5: Case Study 1—Orania

Orania Founded in 1991—Majority Occupation Critical—Orania’s Steady Growth—Sunday Times Reviews Orania’s Development—Moving Toward Creating a State—The Lessons from Orania

Chapter 6: Case Study 2—Zionism and the State of Israel

The Originator of the Zionist Ideal: Herzl’s Der Judenstaat—Rationale for the Demand for a Jewish State—Herzl Outlined How Emigration Should Take Place—How Anti-Semitism Serves as a “Push Factor”—Argentina or Palestine?—Jewish Company to Drive the Colonization Plan—Herzl’s Achievements—First Zionist Congress—Later Zionist Congresses—Balfour Declaration—The Palestine Zionist Executive—Zionists Launch Terrorist Campaign to Drive British and Palestinians Out—United Nations Partitions Palestine and Creates Israel—Israel’s Racially-Based Immigration Law—The Lessons from Israel

Chapter 7: The Plan and Its Implementation

Europeans Never So Close to Extermination as Now—Mindless Masses Cannot be Saved—Nature’s Amoral Code of Conduct—The Coming Population Bottleneck—The Practical Implications: Only a Minority Can be Saved—A Planned and Structured Approach—Colonization Company—Local Authorities First—Realism Extends to Long-Term Prospects and Defense—Propaganda and Presentation—Further Developments

Chapter 8: The Territory

Previous Case Studies—The Preconditions for a Successful Target Area—Problems and Answers—Option One: Selecting Small Regions in Existing States—Option Two: A Direct Approach to Demographically Suitable and Receptive Nation States—Final Decision on Territory Open-Ended and to be Decided by the “Europeanists”

Chapter 9: Conclusion

The Naysayers—What is the Alternative?—The Form of the State—Summary—A Noble Goal.

88 pages. Paperback.

Der weiße Ethnostaat

Geographische Konsolidierung als Strategie gegen das Verschwinden. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Tomislav Sunić.

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2017. Die Deutschen ohne Migrationshintergrund stellen in der Großstadt Frankfurt am Main, in welcher Mitte des vorletzten Jahrhunderts die Mitglieder des ersten gesamtdeutschen Parlaments zusammentraten, gerade noch 48,8 % der Einwohner. Die jungen deutschen Frankfurter sind sogar längst zu einer kleinen Minderheit geworden, da Araber und Türken einen zwei- bis dreimal höheren Anteil an Geburten haben, als es ihrem Bevölkerungsanteil entspräche. Zudem ist kein Ende des Asyl-Tsunamis in Sicht.

Um andere europäisch geprägte Länder steht es kaum besser – um manche sogar weitaus schlechter. Nicht nur Deutschland, fast ganz Europa schafft sich ab. Man muss also kein Nostradamus und auch kein Oswald Spengler mehr sein, um den baldigen Untergang des Abendlandes zu prophezeien. Geht der große Austausch erst in die finale Phase, geht es auch mit der westlichen Zivilisation zu Ende; das ist eine Binsenweisheit. Trotzdem regt sich in der autochthonen Bevölkerung kein nennenswerter Widerstand gegen die Überfremdung ihrer Heimat. Die meisten Weißen haben den „Willen zum Dasein“ offensichtlich eingebüßt.

Ausgehend von der Überzeugung, dass es nicht gelingen kann und daher auch nicht gelingen wird, der großen Mehrheit der Europäer diesen unbedingten Willen zur Fortexistenz zurückzugeben, wird in dieser Schrift, die eine Anzahl von Vorträgen und Aufsätzen vereint, ein Alternativplan zur Sicherung des Überlebens der weißen Rasse entworfen: die geographische Konsolidierung.


Vorwort von Dr. Tomislav Sunić

Zum Geleit

Europa am Scheideweg – Untergang  oder Reconquista?

Vision Nova Europa: Utopie oder Gebot der Stunde?

Der Ethnostaat Nova Europa: Die Alternative zu Deutschland

Der weiße Ethnostaat: Geographische Konsolidierung  als Strategie gegen das Verschwinden

Der Westen ist ein Tollhaus: Narragonien  oder Nova Europa?

„Es geht mir um den Erhalt von Vielfalt  auf dem Planeten“

138 S. Tassenbuch.

The White Ethnostate

By Johannes Scharf. Translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister. The English translation of Johannes Scharf’s highly acclaimed original work in German, The White Ethnostate brings home the argument for the creation of European ethnostates. An eminently practical work, it maps out the pertinent issues involved in this ideal, including:

– The moral and political reasons why a European ethnostate should be created;

– The political realities facing those concerned about ensuring European survival;

– The question of whether there should be one, or many, ethnostates;

– Who should qualify for residence in such as state (or states);

– Why an ethnostate offers the best possibility for ensuring European survival;

– How the ethnostate idea is growing as a viable alternative idea;

– Why fate demands the ethnostate as a right for future generations; and

– The practical steps which need to be taken to achieve an ethnostate.

With a foreword by Arthur Kemp (which deals with the most common objections raised against the ethnostate idea) and an afterword by Constantin von Hoffmeister (which deals with further pertinent general points on the ethnostate), this timely work further solidifies the concepts behind the most urgent task facing Europeans today: surviving in a world which seems determined to see their extinction.


Foreword by Arthur Kemp: Mapping out the Alternatives

Why Ought the White Race be Protected?

Vision Nova Europa: Utopia or Imperative of the Hour?

Compromises: One European Ethnostate or Several States?

The Ethnic Composition of the White Ethnostate

Geographic Consolidation: A Strategy Against Extinction

The Exodus Idea Has Now Reached the Conservative Mainstream

As Abraham Lincoln Said . . .

American Oranias: The First Step Towards the Ethnostate

The Author

Afterword by Constantin von Hoffmeister

90 pages.  Paperback.

With Hitler on the Road to Power

By Otto Dietrich. Subtitled “Personal Experiences with my Leader,” this work, written by Adolf Hitler’s chief of press in 1934, details the three tumultuous election campaign years from 1930 through to the coming to power of the NSDAP in January 1933. The author formed part of Hitler’s inner circle and campaign staff during this period—which included six full elections in two-and-a-half years—and later went on to become the chancellor’s personal press officer.

Starting with a short backgrounder of the growth of the National Socialist party, Dietrich then springs into a vivid description of the exhausting and intense electoral campaigns. Many fascinating details are included, such as Hitler’s hectic speaking schedule, and his ground-breaking—and sometimes highly dangerous—innovation of flying to meetings up and down the country. Hitler’s schedule, Dietrich recalled, was so intense that his entourage had trouble keeping up with him.

Also detailed are accounts of the Communist Party’s endeavors to stop Hitler—which included the setting of ambushes, and the attempts by the supposedly democratic parties to legally restrict the NSDAP.

Finally, the triumph of winning power—and the political intrigue which preceded it—are ably presented, before the work finishes with a broader philosophical discussion on the new National Socialist government’s position and interaction with the rest of the world.

From the preface:

“These pages shall comprise no biography of Adolf Hitler, no description of his political activity during the last years, but they shall recount decisive days of struggle and great moments, in a series of fragments from personal reminiscences, which the author has been privileged to experience with his leader during the last years until the attainment of power.

“I shall describe the historical course of events as I have personally seen and felt them.

“The reader may form for himself a conclusive picture of Adolf Hitler’s personality from the individual scenes of this struggle, comparable to that of Faust, of this fantastically modern way of work of this truly heroic struggle for the triumphal advance of the National Revolution. Probably these scenes reveal to some readers not only the man Adolf Hitler, but also the secret of his success.”

About the author: Otto Dietrich (1897–1952), served in the trenches in World War I before obtaining a doctorate in political science in 1921. After working as a journalist, he joined the NSDAP in 1929. His experience with the press led him to being appointed press chief for the party. Although this was his only role in the state, he was convicted in 1949 of “crimes against humanity” and sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment. The charges and sentencing were however acknowledged even then as trumped up, and he was released in 1950.

106 pages. Paperback.

Original European Religions Volume I: The Rites of Old Europe 12,000–3,500 BC

By E. O James. DNA, history and archaeology have shown that the European people, or those of a close enough racial origin, have existed for around 40,000 years, of which Christianity has only been the dominant religion for less than one thousand.

This volume sketches out the belief systems, values and religions of the “Old Europeans” whose religious practices preceded those of the Indo-European culture.

It is of necessity scant, as no decipherable written records exist, and seemingly most oral traditions appear to have been wiped out. There are a large number of speculative works about pre-historic European religion, but the only proper understanding we can take from this time must come from the burial practices and buildings which remain from that time.



Chapter I: Palaeolithic Burial Ritual

The Cult of Skulls: Monte Circeo; Ofnet; Ceremonial Interment in the Middle Palaeolithic: Le Moustier; La Chapelleaux-Saints; La Ferrassie. The Upper Palaeolithic: The Grimaldi Burials; Paviland and other Upper Palaeolithic Sepultures; The Palaeolithic Cult of the Dead. The Mesolithic Transition: Azilian-Tardenoisian Interments; Maglemosean; Ertebølle; Danish Dyssers.

Chapter II. Megalithic Burial In Europe

Eastern Mediterranean: Tholoi in Cyprus; Vaulted Tombs in Crete; The Cycladic Tombs; The Siculan Rock-cut Tombs. Western Mediterranean: Sardinian Gallery-tombs; Rock-cut Tombs and Navetas in the Balearic Isles; Maltese Megaliths. Iberian Peninsula: The Almerian Megaliths; South-west Iberian Tombs; Pyrenean Megaliths. Atlantic Europe: Megalithic Tombs in Brittany; The S.O.M. Culture. The British Isles: British Long Barrows; The Severny-Cotswold Barrows; The Boyne Passage-graves; The Clyde-Carlingford Gallery Graves; The Medway Megaliths. The Northern Megalithic Tombs: The Danish Passage-graves; Battle-axes and Single Graves.

Chapter III. Cremation And Inhumation

Cremation in Europe in the Bronze Age: Partial Cremation under Long Barrows; Round Barrows; Urn Burial; The Terramara Cemeteries; The Villanovan Cemeteries; The Lausitz Urnfields; The Alpine Urnfields; The Hallstatt Cemetery.

Chapter IV. The Mystery Of Birth

The Mystery of Birth in Palaeolithic Times: Sculptured “Venuses”; Cowrie Shells; Fertility Dances. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Female Figurines: Anatolia, Cyprus and the Cyclades; Crete; The Mother goddess; The Great Minoan Goddess; The Maltese Goddess Cult; The Iberian Goddess Cult; Statue-menhirs; The Goddess Cult in Britain and Northern France.

Chapter V. Fertility And The Food Supply

Palaeolithic Hunting Ritual; Increase Rites; The Control of the Chase; The Cultus in the Aegean: The Minoan-Mycenaean Goddess of Vegetation and the Young Male God; Zeus and Demeter. The Vegetation Cult in North-west Europe Aegean Influences in Wessex

Chapter VI. The Sky-Religion

The Idea of God: Animism and Polytheism; Supreme Beings; The Universality and Antiquity of the Sky-god. The Indo-European Sky-gods: The Indo-Aranian Sky-gods; Zeus and the Olympian Divine Family; The Sky-father and the Earth-mother; The Scandinavian Heavenly Deities; Sky-worship in Wessex.

Chapter VII. Prehistoric Religion

The Ritual Control of Natural Processes: The Nature and Function of Symbols; Totemism and the Sacred Dance. Fertility and the Mystery of Birth and Generation: Generation and  Maternity. The Goddess Cult. The Cult of the Dead: Palaeolithic; The Mediterranean; Western Europe.

The Sky-religion. The Celestial Afterlife. The Concept of the Universal Sky-god.



120 pages. Paperback.