Harry Waton

A Program for the Jews; An Answer to All Anti-Semites; A Program for Humanity

By Rabbi Harry Waton. Written by one of the most prominent Jewish Marxists in America before 1939, this staggering display of Jewish Supremacism inadvertently provides a shocking insight into the hate-filled attitude towards Gentiles in Jewish communist circles.

Supposedly written as a rebuttal of Hitlerian anti-Semitism, Rabbi Waton—a leading rabbinical figure in New York during the interwar years—provided what he said was a platform to “cure” anti-Semitism by destroying all non-Jewish culture and making the whole world Jewish.



By Rabbi Harry Waton. Written by one of the most prominent Jewish Marxists in America before 1939, this staggering display of Jewish Supremacism inadvertently provides a shocking insight into the hate-filled attitude towards Gentiles in Jewish communist circles.

Supposedly written as a rebuttal of Hitlerian anti-Semitism, Rabbi Waton—a leading rabbinical figure in New York during the interwar years—provided what he said was a platform to “cure” anti-Semitism by destroying all non-Jewish culture and making the whole world Jewish.

Rabbi Waton justifies this extreme measure by saying that Jews know this will happen—and that they will win—because Jehovah (“God”) has deemed it.

The only “function of the Aryans” is preparing the material world for the Jews to bring to the world “communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and peoples, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class, and the human society . . . All that the Aryans will accomplish in this world is only a condition to the enjoyment of the gifts which the Jews will bring to mankind.”

It therefore “follows that the function of the Jews is superior to that of the Aryans or the Germans . . . It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews. The Aryans will enlarge and beautify the earth; but they will settle to enjoy the world which they created only in the tents of the Jews. The destiny of the Aryans is to become Jews, to recognize Jehovah and to identify themselves with Him.”

Communism, he adds, is “the destiny of the human race” and this is the “duty of the Jews” to “identify themselves with communism, with internationalism, with Marxism, and with the working class.”

Rabbi Waton writes that Christianity was the Jews’ greatest gift to Aryans, but that it was distorted by being mixed with pagan stoicism. This, he said, led to Christianity only being focused on the hereafter, whereas Judaism, and true Christianity, is focused on social justice in the real world.

Only when Christianity returns to its Jewish roots and focusses on social justice issues, he writes, will jews accept that religion as equal—a prediction which has come true with the present-day “woke” Christianity of the West.

The Jews, he asserts, were chosen by Jehovah to “determine the destiny of mankind,” and the Jews have “sent out prophets and apostles to reveal this truth to mankind. As a result of this, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Marxism, and other ideas and ideals spread among mankind.”

“Since Jehovah, the God of evolution, of destiny and history chose the Jews to perform this great historic task, may the rest of the human race combine against the Jews and endeavor to destroy the Jews, the Jews will not be destroyed; rather their enemies will be destroyed.”

Rabbi Waton points out that Hitler’s interpretation of the Jewish role in history was correct, saying that “Hitler’s declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature; and his capacity to realize this is the proof of his genius as well as the secret of his power and of the curious fascination which his personality exerts.”

“It is the Jewish consciousness which is the enemy . . . It is the hidden penetration of the Jewish spirit into the Gentile mind that is the danger. . . Hitler is right when he claims that he had to suppress the Jews if he was to unify Germany. The only real community in which the Jewish problem could be solved would be the community in which race was no longer a principle of unity.”
Finally, Rabbi Waton writes that the “aim of Judaism is to realize this inevitable human society resting on universal communism,” a “kingdom of God on earth.”

About the Author: Rabbi Harry Waton

Harry Waton (1871-1959) was born in Russia and emigrated to the US in 1891, becoming an American citizen in 1896. Basing himself in New York, he served the Jewish community in that city as a rabbi, and self-styled himself as a kabbalist—one who studies ancient and obscure Jewish texts in an attempt to generate some sort of deeper understanding of Judaism—and a regular philosopher, focused on the works of Karl Marx and Benedict Spinoza.

Waton was completely converted to Marxism, as he makes clear in this book. He was careful however to differentiate his understanding of Marxism from that propagated by Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union, which he regarded as having betrayed true Marxism.

He became a member of a society called the Spinoza Institute of America, which organized public lectures on the Dutch Jewish philosopher Spinoza, and there became one of its best-known speakers, synthesizing Marx and Spinoza. It was however for this book that he won greatest fame.

In 1918, Waton stood as a candidate for the “Left Wing Section, Socialist Party,” Local Greater New York, in the 23rd (State) Assembly District. The “Left Wing Section” then split from the Socialist Party of America (SPA) to form the Communist Party of America and Communist Labor Party of America.

Although his name has now been largely suppressed, Rabbi Harry Waton was one of the most influential writers and thinkers in Jewish Marxist circles before World War II.


A Program for the Jews
The Economico-Political Aspect
How Can the Jews Meet this World Situation?
The Biologico-Cultural Aspect
And Now, What About Culture?
The Jewish People
Jehovah and Judaism
Buddhism and Christianity
The Religio-Historic Aspect
Noblesse Oblige
Judaism and Christianity
Salvation is of the Jews
Fata Volentem Ducunt, Nolentem Trahunt

278 pages, paperback.

Additional information

Dimensions 6 × 0.9 × 6 in

Harry Waton

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