By Henry Ford and the staff of the Dearborn Independent. This is the second part of the only complete set of all 80 unexpurgated articles published by the famous American industrialist and automobile manufacturer Henry Ford in his Dearborn Independent newspaper between 1920 and 1922.
The Dearborn Independent was distributed nationwide to Ford dealer showrooms and was offered free of charge to the general public. At its peak, circulation reached 700,000 readers.
The work’s reach was worldwide and was quoted in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Henry Ford’s picture hung in Hitler’s office, and in July 1938, the German consul at Cleveland gave Ford, on his 75th birthday, the award of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner.
The 80 articles were later republished in book form but were severely redacted and edited, with an severely abridged version becoming the most widely circulated copy.
Now at last, the full unexpurgated original of Ford’s groundbreaking study of the Jewish Question, and contains all the content, prefaces included, is available once again.
Originally published by The Dearborn Independent as a four volume set, this new completely reset edition combines all the volumes into a handy two volume version, without losing any of the text.
The topics included foreign and domestic issues, and contain by far the best analysis of how the United States was systematically taken over by Jews after they were allowed to immigrate to that than country in large numbers in the late 19th century.
Volume I and II contains chapters 1 to 43.
Volume III and IV
Vol. III Jewish Influence in American Life
Chapter 43 The Jews and the “Religious Persecution” Cry
Chapter 44 Are the Jews Victims or Persecutors?
Chapter 45 Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Baseball
Chapter 46 Jewish Degradation of American Baseball
Chapter 47 Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music
Chapter 48 How the Jewish Song Trust Makes You Sing
Chapter 49 Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the U.S.
Chapter 50 Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries
Chapter 51 Will Jewish Zionism Bring Armageddon?
Chapter 52 How the Jews Use Power—By an Eyewitness
Chapter 53 How Jews Ruled and Ruined Tammany Hall
Chapter 54 Jew Wires Direct Tammany’s Gentile Puppets
Chapter 55 B’nai B’rith Leader Discusses the Jews
Chapter 56 Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People’s Error
Chapter 57 Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs
Chapter 58 Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve Plan
Chapter 59 Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America
Chapter 60 How Jewish International Finance Functions
Chapter 61 Jewish Power and America’s Money Famine
Vol. IV: Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States
Chapter 62 How Jews Gained American Liquor Control
Chapter 63 Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career
Chapter 64 The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil
Chapter 65 Angles of Jewish Influence in American Life
Chapter 66 The Jews’ Complaint Against “Americanism”
Chapter 67 The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold
Chapter 68 Benedict Arnold and Jewish Aid in Shady Deal
Chapter 69 Arnold and His Jewish Aids at West Point
Chapter 70 The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names
Chapter 71 Jewish “Kol Nidre” and “Eli, Eli” Explained
Chapter 72 Jews as New York Magistrates See Them
Chapter 73 Jews Are Silent, the National Voice Is Heard
Chapter 74 What Jews Attempted Where They Had Power
Chapter 75 The Jewish Question in Current Testimony
Chapter 76 America’s Jewish Enigma—Louis Marshall
Chapter 77 The Economic Plans of International Jews
Chapter 78 A Jew Sees His People As Others See Them
Chapter 79 Candid Address to Jews on the Jewish Problem
Chapter 80 An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Problem
372 pages. Paperback.
About the author: Henry Ford (1863–1947) was America’s most famous industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company. Apart from his technical expertise in brining mass manufacturing into the Twentieth century, Ford was an ardent pacifist in World War I and II. His newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, had a readership of over a million every week.