BY H. M. Chadwick. Have you ever wondered where the term “Anglo-Saxon” came from? This book will tell you. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the Germanic tribes who invaded and settled in England following the end of Roman-occupied Britain and assimilated into that nation.
This work starts in the sixth century with the first Saxon invasions and follows the succession of further migrations from central and northern Germany which created the culture and language today known as the “English” people.
This book does not delve into the pre-Germanic origins of Britain—shown by present-day DNA analysis to be the majority of the English people. It does however provide a highly instructive example of how a culture changes as a result of demographic shift: a lesson which the present-day English people, facing a new invasion of unassimilable immigrants, would do well to learn.
About the author: Hector Munro Chadwick (1870–1947) was professor of Anglo-Saxon at the University of Cambridge and a pioneer in integrating the study of Old English with archaeology and history.
Front cover: The Sutton Hoo helmet (reconstructed), seventh century, Suffolk.
Chapter I: England in the Sixth Century
Chapter II: The West Saxon Invasion
Chapter III: The Invasion of Kent
Chapter IV: The Saxons, Angles and Jutes in Britain
Chapter V: The Saxons, Angles and Jutes on the Continent
Chapter VI: The Kings of Angel
Note. The Early Kings of the Danes
Chapter VII. The Age of National Migrations
Chapter VIII. The Saxons and Angles in Roman Times
Chapter IX: The Classification of the Ancient Germane
Chapter X. The Cult of Nerthus
Chapter XI. King Aethelwulf’s Mythical Ancestors
Chapter XII. Social Conditions of the Roman Period
England at the end of the sixth century.
N.W. Germany, Holland, etc. At the beginning of the sixth century.
The northern part of Ptolemy’s Germania.
N.W. Germany etc. in the first century.
367 pages. Paperback.