Leon Dilios

White Revolt! An American National Socialist History

By Leon Dilios. White Revolt! is the true story of National Socialism in the United States presented through the personal experiences of its late 20th Century leader, Frank Collin, most famous for the “Skokie” incident which generated international publicity.

Beginning in the 1960s, he was a participating eye-witness to George Lincoln Rockwell’s mass-rally in Chicago and “White Power March” through the city’s black, southwest side. Following Rockwell’s assassination, Collin opened “Rockwell Hall, in Memory of our fallen Commander,” headquarters of the National Socialist Party of America.



By Leon Dilios. White Revolt! is the true story of National Socialism in the United States presented through the personal experiences of its late 20th Century leader, Frank Collin, most famous for the “Skokie” incident which generated international publicity.

Beginning in the 1960s, he was a participating eye-witness to George Lincoln Rockwell’s mass-rally in Chicago and “White Power March” through the city’s black, southwest side. Following Rockwell’s assassination, Collin opened “Rockwell Hall, in Memory of our fallen Commander,” headquarters of the National Socialist Party of America.

Over the next ten years, NSPA activism made world headlines and generated a landmark free speech Supreme Court ruling still studied by U.S. constitutional law students to the present day.

Public meetings, huge demonstrations, marches, and electoral campaigns—in which Collin polled record double-digit vote percentages for an openly National Socialist candidature—generated immense international publicity.

Continuous riots, street battles, bombings, shoot-outs, killings, arrests, and legal prosecutions culminated in “Operation Skokie,” when uniformed Stormtroopers threatened to “invade” the predominantly Jewish suburb with swastika flags flying, unless their rights to free speech were restored. Their success in that case was celebrated with a “White Victory” rally in front of the Federal Building at the heart of Chicago’s “Loop,” where police battalions, Marxist mobs, and Brown Shirts confronted each other.

Truth about the NSPA’s actions was invariably twisted beyond recognition by hostile politicians, newspaper scribblers, television producers, mainstream authors, and Hollywood propagandists. That is their version of the events that surrounded Frank Collin and his comrades. This is their story.


Introduction:  To Be, Or Not To Be?

Chapter 1: Lincoln Rockwell

Chapter 2: Chicago Fire

Chapter 3: The White Power March

Chapter 4: Assassination

Chapter 5: His Death. Their Dishonor

Chapter 6: Leadership Crisis

Chapter 7: The Midwest Plan

Chapter 8: Attack!

Chapter 9: The Spirit of Decision

Chapter 10: Red Bashing

Chapter 11: More Murder

Chapter 12: Rockwell Hall

Chapter 13: Police, Liars and Traitors

Chapter 14: King Richard’s Truce

Chapter 15: Dykes Against Fascism

Chapter 16: First Amendment Blues

Chapter 17: Constitutionally Straight-Jacketed

Chapter 18: The New Order

Chapter 19: The Battle of Berwyn

Chapter 20: Marquette Park

Chapter 21: Throwing Down the Gauntlet

Chapter 22: Run up the Flag!

Chapter 23: Elections

Chapter 24: Democratic Revenge

Chapter 25:  Operation Skokie

Chapter 26: Score!

Chapter 27: Today Skokie, Tomorrow the World

Chapter 28:  A New Jerusalem Agreement?

Chapter 29: Infection

Chapter 30:  The Greensboro Massacre

Chapter 31: After us, the Deluge

Epilogue: Extinction or Triumph?

Appendix I: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Appendix II: Martyred Leaders

Appendix III: The Order

Appendix IV: National Socialism and Fascism

About the author: Alarmed by Western Civilization’s decline into social chaos, Leon Dilios was a young university student, one among thousands of fellow Americans crowding Chicago boulevards against forced racial integration and leftist agitation during the mid-1960s. It was then that he participated in a “White Power March” through the city’s southwest side following an outdoor speech by its organizer, George Lincoln Rockwell, a veteran U.S. Navy Commander. Dilios thereafter became a full-time activist with the National Socialist Party of America, taking part in numerous public demonstrations, rallies, riots and street battles throughout the 1970s. As such, he is an eyewitness to the events described in White Revolt.

312 pages. Paperback.

Additional information

Weight 14.7 oz
Dimensions 6 × 0.65 × 9 in

Leon Dilios

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